Stranded is my modified 2D Shooter project. My 3 main modifications are:

1) A new ammo system complete with UI elements where the player loses ammo when shooting and gains it on killing an enemy. Running out of ammo causes the player to die.

2) A new enemy type, the sniper, with straight and diagonal shooting variants. This enemy tries to maintain a fixed distance from the player, and moves faster away from the player then toward them.

3) 3 original levels. Level 1 is a broad space to get your bearings, level 2 is a linear level that introduces the snipers, and level 3 is a close quarters arena where the player battles endlessly spawning enemies.

Other modifications include:

- Camera zoom functionality using the mouse scroll wheel

- New UI elements displaying lives left and how many enemies are needed to defeat to win

- Updated main menu and instructions page

- Recolored enemy sprites (blue enemies are stationary, red enemies are chasing, and orange enemies are snipers)

- Adjusted enemy behavior to not travel through objects (with collision)

- Adjusted projectiles to destruct after a while to improve performance over longer play sessions

- Changed asteroids to cause player (but not enemy) death on collision

- Changed respawn point to update constantly to prevent  the player respawning far away from where they died

... and probably other stuff I forgot :P


Created by Jackson Haugen (how - gin )


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